13626963 - Alchemilla mollis - Soft lady's mantle13734448 - Bouquet of Love in the Mist (Nigella) and lady's mantle (Alchemilla) on linen cloth13734446 - Bouquet of Love in the Mist (Nigella) and lady's mantle (Alchemilla), on wooden table13734447 - Bouquet of Love in the Mist (Nigella) and lady's mantle (Alchemilla)12235245 - Terrace bed with Alchemilla mollis, Buxus13734449 - Love in the Mist (Nigella), lady's mantle (Alchemilla) and a metal heart13969680 - Planter with lady's mantle (Alchemilla) and fern on terrace in front of glass window door12196349 - Bouquet with pink (rose), Galium verum (lab herb), Alchemilla12196408 - Perennial flowerbed with Delphinium, Alchemilla12196407 - Perennial flowerbed with Delphinium, Alchemilla11226238 - Lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)13534009 - Pink peonies and Alchemilla Mollis00331646 - Lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)11978379 - Floral Cake12138813 - Paeonia (Peony) White, Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle)12138695 - Lanterns with Alchemilla and Dianthus wreaths12139772 - Flowers of historic pink (rose), alchemilla12138820 - Bouquet with Paeonia, Alchemilla12117927 - Bouquet with Paeonia officinalis (peony), Alchemilla12106829 - Autumnal bed with Sedum 'Autumn joy', Alchemilla12225345 - Leucanthemum (Marguerite), Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle), Rosa12222861 - Shell with Argyranthemum (marguerite), grasses, alchemilla12204753 - Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle)12139832 - Garland of Hydrangea, Alchemilla, Achillea11172044 - Ladies' mantle (Alchemilla), box (Buxus), blue harebells (Campanula) and cat mint (Nepeta) behind dry stone wall12138614 - Wreath of viola cornuta, bicolor and alchemilla12138163 - Bouquet of leucanthemum and alchemilla00272033 - Wreath of peonies (Paeonia) and lady's mantle (Alchemilla)14234641 - Normandy Cottage Charm12139369 - Rosa, alchemilla, clematis and grasses13971393 - Countryside Charm12138720 - Rose flowers of Argyranthemum and Alchemilla12138694 - Lanterns with wreath of alchemilla (lady's mantle) on wall12139371 - Bouquet of Lilium longiflorum, white, fragrant, Alchemilla12222992 - Strawberries bouquet on skewers and alchemilla12219928 - Argyranthemum frutescens (Marguerite), Alchemilla12225370 - Chrysanthemum coccineum (daisies), Alchemilla (lady's mantle)12222864 - Shell with Argyranthemum (Marguerite, Roses, Alchemilla12130787 - Rhododendron, Alchemilla (lady's mantle)12138696 - Leucanthemum, Dianthus, Alchemilla12128540 - Greenhouse and bed with Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle)12204960 - Alchemilla mollis12139833 - Garland of Hydrangea, Alchemilla, Achillea12138734 - Hydrangea, alchemilla in pink12138708 - Bouquet of Antirrhinum, Alchemilla, Lobelia12105780 - Hosta hybrid and Alchemilla mollis12105784 - Hosta hybrids, ferns, geranium and alchemilla00349725 - Lady's mantle (Alchemilla mollis)12198670 - Lush bouquet of Rose, alchemilla, spiraea13969639 - Thriving Summer Dream12235015 - Amelanchier lamarckii, in the bed with alchemilla12199800 - Mixed pink (rose) and alchemilla (lady's mantle) bouquet12235221 - Modern bouquet of Allium 'Globemaster', Alchemilla mollis12199721 - Paeonia (peony), Alchemilla (lady's mantle)12199490 - Small Syringa and Alchemilla mollis bouquet12199483 - Wreath of Syringa and Alchemilla mollis leaves12199787 - Wreath of Delphinium and Alchemilla12199716 - From flowers of Pelargonium, and Alchemilla mollis12196633 - Fragrant wreath of syringa, viburnum and alchemilla12367126 - Small seating area at the bed with Alchemilla, Rhododendron12235222 - Modern bouquet of Allium 'Globemaster', Alchemilla mollis12199782 - Delphinium (Larkspur), Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle)12199790 - Bouquets of Delphinium (Larkspur), Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle)12199482 - Small container from Syringa and leaves from Alchemilla12196632 - Wreath of Alchemilla mollis, Coronilla, Dianthus12196604 - Lush bouquet of Paeonia (peony) and Alchemilla mollis12195940 - Herb bouquet in salt glaze pan alchemilla, chives12199496 - Small bouquet with Convallaria (lily of the valley) and Alchemilla12196659 - Terracotta pots with roses and alchemilla (lady's mantle)12196589 - Bouquet of Alchemilla mollis and Dianthus barbatus12536729 - Meadow Blossoms12196343 - Colorful summer bouquet, Dianthus (Clove, Barnacle), Alchemilla12195943 - Herb bouquet with peonies in a salt-glass pot, alchemilla12234648 - Small bouquets of Pelargonium and Alchemilla flowers12199789 - Small table decoration with borage, alchemilla12196600 - Preserving jar misused as lantern, flowers of Alchemilla12196588 - Small Alchemilla mollis bouquet in zinc bucket hung on ladder12195963 - Wreath of alchemilla flowers and leaves on garden gate11255620 - Lady's Mantle11339450 - Lavender angustifolia and Alchemilla mollis (Lady's Mantle) flank the pathway to the sunken seating area outside the conservatory12199783 - Delphinium (Larkspur), Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle)12196645 - Colorful summer wreath of pink (rose), alchemilla (lady's mantle)12196620 - Small Paeonia and Alchemilla bouquets12196592 - Small posy of alchemilla, flowers and leaves12196583 - Posy of Alchemilla, Pulmonaria12196342 - Bouquet of Rose, calendula, alchemilla12199773 - Allium 'Purple Sensation', A. christophii, Alchemilla mollis12196609 - Small tea herb bouquet made with Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle)12196258 - Lavender in pot with felt cover, flowers of Alchemilla12195987 - Lush bouquet from Paeonia, Alchemilla12199788 - Small table decoration with borage, alchemilla12196654 - Mixed pink (rose) and alchemilla wreath12196640 - Colorful summer bouquets of Rose, alchemilla12196621 - Wreath of Delphinium (Larkspur) and Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle)12196623 - Alchemilla mollis, Dianthus, Silene12196606 - High zinc cups as vases with Alchemilla mollis and roses12196602 - Teapot bouquet of Alchemilla mollis and chamomile12195981 - Bouquet of Rose, alchemilla, cirsium12191200 - Bouquet from Paeonia, Alchemilla and Geraniumnext page